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Forum Posts

Alexander Grgat
Jan 19, 2024
In General Discussions
If you have any clips that you want to see featured on [RE]think ACTIONS drop them in this feed New episodes streaming LIVE Sunday mornings at 9:00am
[RE]think ACTIONS content media
Alexander Grgat
Dec 09, 2022
In General Discussions
This week the Re-Think Tank Podcast will be streaming episode #88 live this Saturday (12/10/22) at 12:30pm on YouTube, Facebook, & Twitch (@re_think_tank) Above are the three major topics we will be discussing, and this is your opportunity to be featured in the episode. We want to include YOU in the dialogue, so please drop a comment on any of the above topics, however short or long you wish. We hope you're willing to help bring us some new perspectives!
Sam Bankman-Fried with FTX, Elon Musk Drops the "Twitter Files," & The U.S. swaps Russian Arms Dealer for Brittney Griner content media
Alexander Grgat
Oct 28, 2022
In General Discussions
Post an image or video of your best Halloween costume to this forum feed. Then vote for your THREE favorite submissions by liking their post. We will do a bracket contest, where the winner will be decided on Halloween. There will be a $100 cash prize for the contest winner and there will also be Starbucks gift card giveaways at the Instagram live event on Halloween at 11:30pm The top 8 will be featured in my Instagram story (@Grgat57) for everyone to vote for the WINNER All submissions must be posted by 7:00pm on 10/29/22 and voting will begin on Instagram at 8:00pm that same evening.
Alexander Grgat
Jan 08, 2021
In General Discussions
Like a March Madness bracket competition, the person who predicts the most accurate NFL Playoff bracket wins. Fill out the bracket supplied below and the person with the most correct will win a gift card to Door Dash. Tie breaker will be the winner of the Super Bowl, so be sure to indicate that on your bracket, and also supply a Super Bowl score prediction. Post your submission on this feed. That means you might have to scan the sheet back onto you computer, take a picture of it with your phone, or fill it out digitally. You must post your submission on this feed before 1:00 pm on Saturday, January 9th, 2021. Wishing you guys the best of luck! Go Browns!
Alexander Grgat
Dec 04, 2020
In General Discussions
Use this Forum as a feed for all the logical flaws in Corona prevention policies
Alexander Grgat
Dec 04, 2020
In General Discussions
Every Thursday we do an Instagram Story Poll where we ask a different fun or thought provoking question and at the end of the day we do a raffle for free gift cards for everyone who submitted an answer to the poll. We want to know if you might have any question suggestions for an upcoming Instagram Story Poll? Here are some examples of past Instagram Story Poll Questions: - What advice would you give 16 year old you? - What three items would you bring with you to a deserted island? - What does W.A.P. stand for? (wrong answers only) - Halloween Costume Contest - What is the line between art and not art?
Alexander Grgat
Nov 18, 2020
In General Discussions
We spent four years saying that Russia hijacked our election with Facebook, but now with clear possible signs of fraud, such as software companies creating ballot counting programs that counted the votes backwards like in the many counties in Michigan, dead people voting, mysterious ballots arriving after polls close, and so much more, we insist the system is flawless? Regardless, these doubts have been around for many years among the public, but we either ignore them because our team won or we don't consider ways to better the situation because we feel powerless, as if we cannot change it even if we wanted to. The question I want to propose to start this healthy dialogue is: what kind of meaningful actions can regular civilians take to begin to bring about real and positive change? Also, what can we call for from the politicians, our representatives, to see the transparency and accountability we are owed in national elections?

Alexander Grgat

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